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Press, W: Numerical Recipes Source Code CD-ROM

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KurzbeschreibungThe Numerical Recipes Third Edition Code CDROM contains the complete source code in C++ for Numerical Recipes Third Edition, with many completely new routines, plus source code from Numerical Recipes Second Edition in C, Fortran 77, and Fortran 90 and Numerical Recipes First Edition in Pascal and BASIC, and more. Compatible with all computers and operating systems, the CDROM includes a Personal Single-User License that allows an individual to use the copyrighted code on any number of computers (no more than one at a time). More general licenses are available, as well as more information about the CDROM and the book -- including a fully electronic online version. Please visit www.nr.com or www.cambridge.org/us/numericalrecipes for more details. More information concerning licenses is available at: www.nr.com/licenses The Readers' Forum, for bug reports and other information on using Numerical Recipes: http://www.nr.com/forum/Pressestimmen' … an essential component of any serious scientific or engineering library.' Computing Reviews' … an instant 'classic,' a book that should be purchased and read by anyone who uses numerical methods …' American Journal of Physics' … replete with the standard spectrum of mathematically pretreated and coded/numerical routines for linear equations, matrices and arrays, curves, splines, polynomials, functions, roots, series, integrals, eigenvectors, FFT and other transforms, distributions, statistics, and on to ODE's and PDE's … delightful.' Physics in Canada' … a must for anyone doing scientific computing.' Journal of the American Chemical Society'The authors are to be congratulated for providing the scientific community with a valuable resource.' The Scientist'If you were to have only a single book on numerical methods, this is the one I would recommend.' IEEE Computational Science & EngineeringSynopsis Do you want reliable code for the latest methods in scientific computing? This CDROM contains all the source code from the new, and all previous, editions and language versions of Numerical Recipes. Included are: Numerical Recipes, Third Edition: complete source code in C++, with many brand-new routines Numerical Recipes, Second Edition: complete source code in C, Fortran 77, and Fortran 90 Numerical Recipes, First Edition: complete source code in Pascal and BASIC plus third-party ports of the code to Modula 2 and Common Lisp The CDROM also features an archive of difficult-to-find historical materials, including Baker's C Tools and More C Tools, Lau's Numerical Library in C for Scientists and Engineers, the influential NUMAL Algol 60 library from the Mathematisch Centrum in Amsterdam, and more than 250 MB of physically generated and multiply encrypted random bytes. Compatible with all computers and operating systems, the CDROM includes a Personal Single-User License that allows an individual to use the copyrighted code on any number of computers (no more than one at a time). For support or more general license information visit at www.nr.com.Über den Autor und weitere MitwirkendeWilliam H. Press holds the Raymer Chair in Computer Sciences and Integrative Biology at the University of Texas at Austin.Saul A. Teukolsky is H. A. Bethe Professor in Physics in the Radiophysics and Space Research Department of Cornell University.William Vetterling is a Research Fellow and Director of the Image Science Laboratory at ZINK Imaging, LLC in Waltham, MA. His career includes eight years on the physics faculty at Harvard, and 20 years of numerical modeling and laboratory research on digital imaging at Polaroid Corporation.Brian P. Flannery is Science, Strategy and Programs Manager at Exxon Mobil Corporation.Mehr

Cambridge University Press %28Virtual Publishing%29